Warzone Mobile was delayed again? Game changes date on App Store

Call of Duty Warzone Mobile has apparently been delayed (again!). The game, which was supposed to be released on May 15th, has been updated on the App Store and now shows a new date: November 1st, 2023.

On the App Store page, it is very clear that the game’s release has been rescheduled for the end of 2023.

The update caught many players by surprise and may be an indication that the game will not arrive for Android this year.

It is worth remembering that these dates that appear on the App Store are only reference dates, the game can be released before or after, but as we have seen in several releases, the game rarely comes out before these dates.


It’s no secret that the development of Call of Duty Warzone Mobile has been troubled.

Warzone Mobile immediately captured players with the possibility of reliving the PC and console version battles on mobile. Especially the possibility of returning to the Verdansk map.

However, the joy was short-lived. Presented last year, the game was delayed and then confirmed to be released only in 2023.

When the open alpha was presented to the North American public, the release date on the App Store was May 15th.

The new date comes as a cold shower for those who were waiting for the game to be released this month.

Optimization problems

Despite progress in optimization, the game still seems quite “heavy” for mid-range devices, especially those using Android.

Perhaps this was the studio’s wisest decision, but it is worth remembering that the game already has three seasons.

The concern remains about how the season issue will be addressed. Will the mobile version really follow the seasons of the console and PC version?

The situation is even more worrying on Android, where some devices even had problems with complete smartphone crashes when trying to run the game.

Meanwhile, NetEase is running “outside” and preparing the release of its “Warzone”, codenamed Bloodstrike.

  • Dario Coutinho

    O "Gamer de Celular" Original. Criou um dos primeiros sites sobre jogos para celular em 2007, que viria a se tornar o Mobile Gamer Brasil em 2009. Formado em Ciência da Computação, escreve sobre tecnologia há mais de 16 anos. Com passagem por revistas de games (EGW, Arkade) e sites renomados como Techtudo. E-mail para contato: [email protected]

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